Varian Medical Systems

- Evaluated competitive landscape and economic pricing models to optimize commercial strategy for introduction of new, “game-changing” cancer therapy within radiation oncology.
- Provided guidance on how a new therapy within radiation oncology might become a robust, standalone business unit including evaluating commercial models to drive business value, assessing patient access, and options for providing the technology in the U.S. and selected international markets.
- Analyzed factors involved in Varian’s Cloud initiative, including competitive intelligence offerings, value propositions and adoption challenges that should be considered in order to create a leading market position.
- Assessed potential new market size and structure, analyzing the competitive and regulatory landscape, and developing and testing hypotheses on the most successful way to enter the veterinary oncology market.
- Created objective metric strategy to assess engagement performance across the ways that the company interacts with customers and other constituents at the user level, and developed specific set of measurable, achievable, and relevant standards to improve the company’s performance.