Devanshi Tiwari MSBA 21

"The UC Davis MSBA program has been such an exhilarating race for knowledge. My cohort is full of bright minds and we keep challenging each other intellectually and striving to be a better version of ourselves. I am learning so much every day."
Previous Work Experience
- Systems engineer
- Retail management
- Operations analytics
- B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering, Database Administration and Management, UC Berkeley Ext.
Student Leadership and Experience
- Former English Dept. magazine lead in India.
Fun Facts
- I like painting with acrylics. I sell my paintings to raise money for, which is an organization that builds software to protect children from abuse.
- I took a break to care for my newborn a couple of years ago. I am hoping to launch myself back into the workforce through this program.
- I am an avid book reader. My most recent ones were Melinda Gates' The moment of lift and Michelle Obama's Becoming.