Brie Hunt MBA 22

Professional Experience
- Grower Relations Manager at Constellation Brands
- Credit Analyst at F&M Bank of Central California
"Despite COVID-19 creating a different MBA experience than I had envisioned for myself, I feel very fortunate to be in a cohort with a great group of people who are always there to help one another out. I have thoroughly enjoyed my MBA experience to date and am already seeing rewards in my career and life."
- B.S. Agricultural Business, CSU Fresno 2010
Student Leadership and Experience
- GSM Student Association and co-director of Capital Connections
- Women in Leadership member
Fun Facts
I love to plan a good party! Wedding, shower, birthday, etc. I love to be "extra" when it comes to party planning.
I enjoy cooking and baking and definitely jumped on the COVID-19 sourdough bandwagon, although admittedly I have had a sourdough starter for several years.
I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and was voted "Best Business Woman" in 5th grade.