Meet the Firms: Launching Your Accounting Career
Networking with leading national accounting firms at UC Davis

Zoë Richardson, MPAc Associate Director
Hi everyone. Welcome to our Meet the Firms event for the UC Davis Master of Professional Accountancy program. Meet the Firms is our premiere networking event for the program allowing us to kick off the academic year with a bang. It is not only an important event to allow our students to meet potential employers but it also allows our students to build a lifelong network and reconnect with our alums.
Ryan Lucas MPAc 24, Deloitte Tax Consultant
One of the big benefits of this event really is to connect students and the employers in the market. I'm not only here representing Deloitte I am GSM alum. I was actually at this event last year. It is what helped land me a job in the accounting industry.
Sage Taylor MPAc 25
Hi. My name is Sage Taylor. I am currently an MPAc student at UC Davis. I'm currently at Meet the Firms where I am expanding my network and seeing what's out there. It's a very exciting opportunity. I'm glad to be here.
Amber Lin, Sensiba LLC Campus Recruiter
It's great to meet students face-to-face and really get to know them. As a recruiter you get to see a lot of applications but connecting face-to-face is really something special. It just shows that these students shine so much more in person.
Katie Kelly, KPMG University Talent Acquisition
I went through this process myself quite a few years ago I think it's a great way to just get to know more people and build your knowledge of the career that you want to get into. So for us, obviously, we want to find the top talent and we really want to educate you on the benefits of the firm especially going Big Four versus a midsized firm. So for us we just want to educate you. Let you know what we have to offer and see if you would be a good fit for our culture.
Megan Smith MPAc 24, Deloitte Audit Senior Assistant
I'm here at Meet the Firms with Deloitte and we're here to see what the new faces at the GSM have to offer. the Graduate School of Management helped me with both my technical skills and my soft skills to put me where I am today. Now that I've been working for Deloitte for a year and I took the CPA Exams after I graduated the MPAc program I'm eligible for my license and it's on its way.
Adaeze Crenshaw MPAc 25
Hi. My name is Adaeze Crenshaw. I am back here at Meet the Firms. I've had the opportunity to learn a little bit more about global mobility services. We have met PwC, Deloitte, and KPMG. From PwC I've met the wonderful tax partner, Dave.
Dave Lemke, PwC Tax Partner
We love UC Davis and we love the program that they have here. We have a lot of alumni that are all fantastic and we just want to keep bringing in that pipeline of students. I think the biggest benefit is career advice and experience from for me. I've been doing this for years now. Tips and tricks to get the CPA Exams knocked out. Passing on the first try. Just hearing about a day in the life.
Brian Favetti MPAc 23, CTW Tax Staff
At CTW what we're really looking for in new recruits we really want people who are highly motivated people who are willing to engaged in the interview and the recruiting process and who are willing to start work on day one and be engaged and ready to learn. I just recently became a licensed CPA in the state of California. So the desired end to MPAc students journey is to get that license and I finally finished the journey.