Robert Yetman

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Research Expertise
Accounting, response of nonprofit organizations to economic incentives
Professor Robert Yetman is an expert on corporate tax, financial accounting, income tax, U.S. and international financial accounting, and nonprofit accounting and tax issues. His research concentrates on the effect of taxes on business decisions and the response of non-profit organizations to economic incentives. Yetman recently examined why some tax-exempt charities choose to be taxed on their unrelated business income, and how such behavior is not always driven by the desire to maximize profits. He has lectured on cost accounting at executive education programs for wine industry professionals.
Yetman received his Ph.D. in accounting from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his Master of Science (M.S.) in accountancy from San Diego State University. He holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in engineering from Marietta College.
- Appointed to the California Ethics Curriculum Committee by UC President Yudof, which is responsible for determining the State of California Certified Public Accountant ethics educational standards.
- Professor of the Year Award, UC Davis Graduate School of Management, 2005-07, 2009-10, 2016-17.
- Faculty Fellow, American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium, 2009-10.
- Fellow, American Tax Association Doctoral Consortium, 2005.
- Outstanding Tax Dissertation Award, American Taxation Association/PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2001.
- Research Fellow, University of Iowa McGladrey Institute, 2001.
- Dissertation Fellowship, Arthur Andersen, 2000.
- CalCPA’s Outstanding Accounting Educator Award 2012