Why UC Davis? Meet Our Newest UC Davis Sacramento MBA Students
Career growth, community and connections

Bryan Tauzer
Hey everybody. I'm Bryan Tauzer. I'm in the active duty army, and I am a part of the Sacramento MBA Part-Time program. I am from Davis, California, and I joined the MBA program to set myself up for a better future for myself, my family and the business world.
Krystal Scruggs
Hi. My name is Krystal Scruggs. I am with the Part-Time MBA program with UC Davis, and I am here for growth while I'm working and the support that I received here from such a diverse group of people.
Nathaniel Mills
Hi, I'm Nathaniel Mills. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee, and I am here for the community and the connections.
Eddie Ramirez
Hello, everyone. My name is Eddie Ramirez, and I'm in the Part-Time Sacramento program. I'm originally from San Bernardino, California, representing the Inland Empire. I came to the Davis MBA program for the industry connections.
Hayley Winter
Hi, my name is Hayley Winter. I'm part of the Part-Time Sacramento program. Originally from Grass Valley, California, and I picked UC Davis because it's a top school, and it's only five minutes from my house.
Ethan Hanohano
I'm Ethan Hanohano. I'm with the Sacramento Part-Time MBA program. I am from Sacramento, California, and I am here because this program allows me to grow while continuing to take care of my family and my work.